We’re Gwiddle. Part of the Keeping Digital Foundation.
We are one community, present around the UK. We offer a space for every young person to learn, create, and develop a deeper understanding of the digital world. We want to support young people across the country to develop the skills, knowledge, and mindsets to enable them to thrive in a world that is increasingly shaped by digital technologies - ensuring every young person has access to a free coding club near them.
Formed in 2016 as York Pi Jam and then developing into the Keeping Digital Foundation, we're Yorkshire's leading digital inclusivity charitable organisation.
We now run services across the UK, with the aim to empower residents to get online, and to also inspire the next generation through our digital making activities.
Gwiddle is our brand for our digital making activities, helping us promote equal opportunities when it comes to STEM and working with educators and volunteers across the country to launch their own Gwiddle Clubs to inspire the next generation.